Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Feed and Nourish a Nerd

So, I should preface this brief post by saying that there are a TON of people at New York City Comic Con (Comic Book etc. convention...a dweebs unite, and I am pleased to say that I was an attendee).  So, when navigating through droves of art, fantastical cosplayers, game play and just random stuff, it is quite necessary to make sure one has the proper nourishment throughout the course of this 3 day event.  *Note:  NY pretzels, soda and other fast food items only suffice for so long, particularly while spending copious amounts of time waiting in line to see speakers such as Mark Hamill and Seth Green (to name a few).  

So, prior to embarking on this little weekend, I thought it necessary to feed my meat-eating friends, yet share a meal together and make sure it was hearty enough to satiate some weary travelers who trekked downstate.

Here you have it:

Nerdy Vegetable Quiche
1 Trader Joe's pate feuilletĂ© (Yeah, not the biggest fan of making my own crust salĂ©.  I justified it by telling myself that this sort of crust is the most difficult to make, and many French women tend to by this one store bought as well.)
1 Oignon (onion)
1 boite de champignons (box of mushrooms)
1 head of broccoli
Mix of bell peppers (frozen or fresh)
1/4 of a head of cauliflower
1 1/2 cups epinards (spinach)
Several tomatoes of your choosing (not too many if they are fairly large and get very watery)
1/2 bag of a cheese blend (I used Mexican)
3 eggs
Spices (garlic, salt, pepper, red hot chili flakes, dash of curry powder, herbes de provence)
*Note:  This is a take on an "everything must go quiche," so use whatever you have and be creative!  :  D

1.  Sautee the legumes (veggies).

2.  While you are letting all the vegetables simmer and marinate with all the spices, whisk the three eggs together.  You can add a dash of salt, pepper and red chili flakes.  Also, to make the mixture slightly thicker, you can add 1/4-1/2 cup of milk.

3.  Place your pre-made crust in an oven-proof fan.  I tried to stretch it out...I was clearly too lazy to cherche (look for) a rolling pin.

4.  Pour in your veggie mixture.

5.  I made the mistake of pouring in my egg mixture before my cheese.  I typically like to put the cheese beneath the eggs so it spreads into the quiche a little more evenly, but both work.

6.  Cheese sprinkling time!!!

7.  Au four (In the oven) at about 350-375 for 30-40 minutes depending.

8.  And there you have it.  "Meaty" enough for those who are scared of their greens, but won't complain when they finally sit down to warm spicy veggie goodness.  A nerdy vegetable quiche!

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