Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ode to a Sweet Tooth

Fudgy Chocolate Brownies...thank you Martha Stewart.  My Dad's favorite brownie recipe (slightly tweaked) for his birthday.  Alors...

Fudgy Chocolate Birthday Brownies
adapted from

8 oz. chocolat (used Baker's bittersweet)
3 eggs (Martha uses 4)
3/4 of a stick of butter...but, feel free to use the whole stick
1 1/2 cup de sucre (sugar)
3/4 cup de la farine (flour)
1 tsp. de la vanille (vanilla)
1/2 tsp sel (salt)

I also added in some cinnamon and some coffee to bring out the chocolatey goodness, as well as a cup of chocolate chips because well...CHOCOLATE!

1.  Assemble ingredients.  Notice the oh so glamorous Ziploc.

2.  In a saucepan, heat some water to boiling (you are created a sort of double-boiler here to melt the chocolate).

3.  Melt and temper the chocolate.  Adding some of the little blocks with the butter.  Stir until smooth.  After butter and chocolate are melted and thoroughly mixed, set aside and let the mixture cool for 10-15 minutes.

3.  After the mixture has cooled, add in the sugar.  Mix it in.

4.  Then add each egg.  One by one as well as the vanilla.

5.  Add in the coffee, if you feel like adding some.

6.  Toss in the flower with the salt.  Mix until fully incorporated.

7.  My Dad did not want anything super snazzy in his brownies, just the simple chocolatey-ness and some added chocolate chips were all that he requested.

8.  After you have mixed everything all together, pour the batter into a prepared baking dish.  Make sure to butter the sides.

9.  Spread the batter so that it is even, unless you want to make some lopsided brownies.  No judgement here.  To each their own.  Varying thickness can always make for an interest experiment.

10.  Au four a 350 degrees (Bake/in the oven at 350 degrees) for 40-45 minutes.  You can lessen the time if you like your brownies slightly more gooey in the middle.  More molten chocolate lava cakey.

11.  Mr. Birthday Man (mon pere/Dad) got the honor of cutting and tasting first brownie.  

11.  Nothing like some chocolat pour un anniversaire and to welcome the autumnal snow that we will apparently be having.  Happy almost Halloween!

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